The Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom, Ranked

Choose the cherry blossom you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:19
Every spring, countless enthusiasts flock to enjoy the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms, each person touched by the subtle differences in their hues and shapes. Choosing the most beautiful among them, however, can be subjective and varies from one individual to another. By ranking these splendid flowers, we can pool collective opinions and preferences, offering a unique glimpse into what people generally find most appealing about these iconic blooms. Your participation in this vote not only helps to identify which cherry blossoms capture the hearts of the most people but also adds to a broader appreciation of natural beauty. Each vote casts a light on differing perspectives, creating a diverse tapestry of appreciation for these delicate flowers. As such, this live ranking is not only about seeing which blossoms stand out but is also an invitation to share your own perspective and perhaps discover new favorites.

What Is the Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom?

  1. 1

    Somei Yoshino

    The most famous cherry blossom in Japan, known for its pale pink, almost white flowers.
    • Origin: Japan
    • Bloom Color: Pale Pink
  2. 2


    Known for its vibrant pink, double flowers, Kanzan is a showstopper in any cherry blossom viewing.
    • Flower Type: Double Flower
    • Bloom Color: Vibrant Pink
  3. 3


    Also known as the 'Great White Cherry', it is renowned for its large, white flowers.
    • Common Name: Great White Cherry
    • Bloom Color: White
  4. 4


    A unique variety with yellowish flowers, offering a different palette for cherry blossom admirers.
    • Bloom Color: Yellowish
  5. 5

    Shidarezakura (Weeping Cherry)

    Characterized by its drooping branches, it offers a stunning and elegant display.
    • Other Names: Weeping Cherry
    • Bloom Color: Pink
  6. 6


    An old variety known for its large, pink double flowers that bloom slightly later in the season.
    • Flower Type: Double Flower
    • Bloom Color: Pink
  7. 7

    Yoshino Cherry

    A hybrid cherry blossom variety, famous for its clouds of white to pale pink flowers.
    • Hybrid: Yes
    • Bloom Color: White to Pale Pink
  8. 8


    A pink, double-flowered variety that adds depth and texture to the cherry blossom viewing experience.
    • Flower Type: Double Flower
    • Bloom Color: Pink
  9. 9


    The general term for Japanese cherry blossoms, representing a wide range of species and varieties.
    • Country of Origin: Japan
    • Symbolism: Beauty and the transient nature of life
  10. 10


    Features beautiful white to pink flowers that form a striking contrast with its dark bark.
    • Bloom Color: White to Pink

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful cherry blossom. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or blossom is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 132 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each blossom once every 24 hours. The rank of each blossom is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Cherry Blossom

Somei Yoshino
Rank #1 for the most beautiful cherry blossom: Somei Yoshino (Source)
Cherry blossoms are a sight to behold. They mark the arrival of spring and bring joy to many. These delicate flowers have a short blooming period, making their beauty even more precious. People around the world celebrate their arrival with festivals and gatherings.

Cherry blossoms have a rich history. They have been admired for centuries. In many cultures, they symbolize the fleeting nature of life. The blossoms remind us to appreciate the present moment. Their beauty is fleeting, lasting only a few weeks each year. This short-lived splendor makes them even more special.

The trees that produce cherry blossoms come in many varieties. Each has its own unique charm. The blossoms can be white, pink, or even red. Some trees have single blooms, while others have double blooms. The petals can be soft and delicate, creating a cloud-like effect. The sheer variety adds to their allure.

Cherry blossoms thrive in temperate climates. They need a period of cold weather to bloom. This makes them popular in regions with distinct seasons. When the blossoms appear, they transform the landscape. Parks, gardens, and streets become vibrant with color. People flock to these spots to take in the view. The sight of cherry blossoms in full bloom is unforgettable.

Many places have cherry blossom festivals. These events draw large crowds. People come to enjoy the flowers and take part in cultural activities. Traditional music, dance, and food are often part of the celebrations. These festivals foster a sense of community and connection. They provide an opportunity to appreciate nature's beauty together.

Cherry blossoms also inspire artists and writers. Their delicate beauty has been captured in paintings, poems, and songs. They serve as a muse for many. The blossoms' fleeting nature is a common theme. Artists strive to capture their essence before they disappear. This challenge adds to the allure of cherry blossoms.

Photographers also love cherry blossoms. The flowers provide a stunning subject. The contrast between the blossoms and the sky creates striking images. Photographers often rise early to capture the blooms in the soft morning light. The resulting photos are breathtaking.

Cherry blossoms also hold special meaning in many cultures. They are often associated with renewal and hope. The arrival of the blossoms signals the end of winter and the start of a new season. This symbolism resonates with many people. It reminds them of the cycles of life and the promise of new beginnings.

In recent years, cherry blossoms have become more accessible. Many cities and towns have planted cherry trees. This allows more people to enjoy their beauty. The trees have also been gifted as symbols of friendship between countries. These gestures strengthen international bonds.

Cherry blossoms are a beloved part of spring. Their beauty, though fleeting, leaves a lasting impression. They remind us to appreciate the present and find joy in simple moments. Whether admired in person or through art, cherry blossoms continue to captivate hearts worldwide.

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