The Most Fun Drinking Game, Ranked

Choose the drinking game you think is the most fun!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 19, 2024 06:27
Gatherings with friends often include playing drinking games, which can turn a casual hangout into a memorable night. However, choosing the right game to fit the mood and group can sometimes be a challenge. Having a go-to list of popular games ranked by fun factor can be quite helpful. This ensures everyone can engage in an activity that adds laughter and joy to the evening. This is why this interactive site exists. Here, users like you have the power to vote on drinking games, helping to shape a dynamic ranking that reflects real-time preferences. By participating, not only do you contribute to a more accurate guide, but you also learn about new games that you might not have tried before. Your votes matter, and together, they create a resource that enriches every game night.

What Is the Most Fun Drinking Game?

  1. 1

    Beer Pong

    A competitive game where players throw a ping pong ball across a table with the intent of landing the ball in one of several cups of beer on the other end.
    • Origin: United States
    • Players: 2 teams
  2. 2

    Kings Cup

    A card-based drinking game where each card drawn from a circle of cards around a cup has a specific rule attached to it.
    • Alternative Names: Circle of Death, Ring of Fire
    • Key Rule: Players must do what the cards say
  3. 3

    Flip Cup

    A team-based game involving flipping cups from the edge of a table after drinking a set amount of beer from them.
    • Game Type: Team relay
    • Objective: Flip all cups before the opposing team
  4. 4


    A fast-paced game where players create a rhythm with hand gestures and others must follow, failing which they drink.
    • Key Skill: Memory and rhythm
    • Objective: Keep up with the gestures
  5. 5


    Players attempt to bounce a quarter off of the table into a cup or glass.
    • Skill: Aiming
    • Key Element: Coin bouncing
  6. 6

    Never Have I Ever

    Players take turns saying something they have never done. Anyone who has done what the speaker has not must drink.
    • Game Type: Verbal game
    • Objective: Learn secrets about your friends
  7. 7

    Power Hour

    Participants take a shot of beer every minute for an hour.
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Intensity: High
  8. 8

    Ring of Fire

    See Kings Cup. Known by different names in different regions, it involves drawing cards from a circle and following the rules associated with each card.
    • Alternative Names: Kings Cup, Circle of Death
    • Key Rule: Follow the card rules
  9. 9

    Civil War

    A larger scale variant of Beer Pong with more cups and balls in play, involving two teams.
    • Players: Large groups
    • Similar to: Beer Pong but more intense
  10. 10

    Drunk Jenga

    A twist on the classic game of Jenga that involves writing rules on each block, which players must follow when they pull that block from the tower.
    • Base Game: Jenga
    • Customization: Players create their own rules on blocks

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most fun drinking game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 189 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each game once every 24 hours. The rank of each game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Fun Drinking Game

Beer Pong
Rank #1 for the most fun drinking game: Beer Pong (Source)
Drinking games have long been a staple of social gatherings. They bring people together, break the ice, and create memorable moments. The appeal lies in their simplicity and the laughter they generate. These games often involve a mix of chance and skill, making them engaging for everyone.

The origins of drinking games date back to ancient times. Cultures around the world have used them to celebrate, bond, and entertain. They often reflect the customs and social norms of their time. In ancient Greece, people played games during symposiums, where they would drink wine and engage in intellectual discussions. In China, similar activities took place during traditional feasts.

The core idea of drinking games is to add an element of fun to drinking. They often involve rules that players must follow. Breaking these rules usually results in taking a drink. This keeps the game light-hearted and ensures everyone stays involved. The rules can be as simple or as complex as the group desires.

One common feature of drinking games is the use of props. These can include cards, dice, or even household items. Props add a layer of unpredictability and excitement. They also make the game more interactive. Players must pay attention and stay engaged, which adds to the overall enjoyment.

Another key aspect is the social interaction. Drinking games encourage people to interact, laugh, and share stories. They help break down barriers and create a sense of camaraderie. This is especially true in larger groups where not everyone knows each other. The shared experience of playing a game can turn strangers into friends.

Drinking games also offer a chance to showcase skills. Some games require quick thinking or good hand-eye coordination. Others rely on memory or strategy. This variety means there is something for everyone. Players can choose games that suit their strengths or try new ones to challenge themselves.

Safety is an important consideration. It's easy to get caught up in the fun and lose track of how much one has had to drink. Setting limits and knowing when to stop is crucial. It's also important to look out for friends and ensure everyone drinks responsibly. Drinking games should enhance the experience, not lead to negative consequences.

The setting plays a big role in the enjoyment of drinking games. A relaxed, comfortable environment is ideal. Whether it's a casual get-together at home or a lively party, the right atmosphere makes a difference. Music, lighting, and seating arrangements all contribute to the overall vibe.

In conclusion, drinking games are a fun way to enhance social gatherings. They bring people together, create laughter, and add an element of excitement. With their rich history and wide appeal, they remain a popular choice for many. When played responsibly, they can turn any event into a memorable occasion.

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