The Most Handsome Arab, Ranked

Choose the Arab you think is the most handsome!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 07:59
The allure of striking features and captivating presence often spans cultures and geographies. In the Arab world, where aesthetics and charm are celebrated, determining who stands out in terms of handsomeness can be both enthralling and divisive. This constantly updated list of the most handsome Arab men is shaped by public opinion, inviting fans and admirers to cast their vote. By participating in this dynamic voting process, users have a direct impact on the ranking, reflecting a collective appreciation of beauty and charisma. The outcome not only highlights popular opinions but also sparks conversations about what makes someone visually appealing or charismatic. Engage with the list, submit your vote, and see how your favorites fare against the rest.

Who Is the Most Handsome Arab?

  1. 1

    Omar Borkan Al Gala

    Model, actor, and photographer from Iraq, known for his striking looks.
    • Nationality: Iraqi
    • Profession: Model, Actor, Photographer
  2. 2

    Mehdi Dehbi

    A Belgian actor of Moroccan descent, known for his leading role in the series Messiah.
    • Nationality: Belgian-Moroccan
    • Profession: Actor
  3. 3

    Asser Yassin

    A talented Egyptian actor and model known for his versatile roles in film and television.
    • Nationality: Egyptian
    • Profession: Actor, Model
  4. 4

    Ahmed Ezz

    An Egyptian actor known for his roles in various successful Egyptian movies.
    • Nationality: Egyptian
    • Profession: Actor
  5. 5

    Wael Kfoury

    A Lebanese singer, musician, and songwriter, often called The King of Romance.
    • Nationality: Lebanese
    • Profession: Singer, Musician
  6. 6

    Kadim Al Sahir

    An Iraqi singer, composer, and songwriter, hailed as the Caesar of Arabic Song.
    • Nationality: Iraqi
    • Profession: Singer, Composer
  7. 7

    Taim Hasan

    A popular Syrian actor known for his roles in Arabic TV series and movies.
    • Nationality: Syrian
    • Profession: Actor
  8. 8

    Mohammed Assaf

    A Palestinian singer and television personality who rose to fame after winning Arab Idol.
    • Nationality: Palestinian
    • Profession: Singer
  9. 9

    Saad Lamjarred

    A Moroccan pop singer, dancer, and actor, known for his music videos and hit songs.
    • Nationality: Moroccan
    • Profession: Singer, Dancer, Actor

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most handsome Arab. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Arab is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 76 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Arab once every 24 hours. The rank of each Arab is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Handsome Arab

Omar Borkan Al Gala
Rank #1 for the most handsome Arab: Omar Borkan Al Gala (Source)
Across the Arab world, many men are celebrated for their looks. The concept of beauty varies, but some traits are commonly admired. Strong jawlines, deep-set eyes, and well-groomed beards often top the list. These features are seen as signs of strength and confidence.

In Arab culture, grooming is important. Men take great care in maintaining their appearance. This includes regular haircuts, beard trimming, and skincare routines. A neat and polished look is a mark of respect and self-discipline. It reflects a man's attention to detail and pride in his heritage.

Fashion also plays a role. Traditional attire like the thobe or dishdasha is often worn with pride. These garments are not just clothing; they are a statement of identity. They blend comfort with elegance, allowing men to look their best while honoring their cultural roots. Modern fashion trends are also embraced, with many Arab men incorporating global styles into their wardrobes. This fusion of tradition and modernity creates a unique and appealing look.

Physical fitness is another key factor. Many Arab men engage in regular exercise to stay in shape. A fit body is not only attractive but also a sign of good health and vitality. Sports like soccer, swimming, and weightlifting are popular. These activities help in building a strong physique, which is often associated with attractiveness.

Personality and charisma add to the appeal. Confidence, kindness, and a sense of humor are qualities that many find irresistible. In Arab culture, hospitality and generosity are highly valued. A man who embodies these traits is often seen as more attractive. His character shines through, complementing his physical appearance.

Social media has amplified the visibility of handsome Arab men. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok showcase their looks and lifestyles. They share photos and videos, gaining followers and admiration. This digital presence allows them to connect with a global audience. It also sets trends and influences perceptions of beauty.

The media plays a significant role too. Films, TV shows, and music videos often feature attractive Arab men. These mediums help in shaping and spreading the ideal of Arab beauty. Celebrities and public figures become icons, admired for their looks and style. Their influence extends beyond borders, making them international symbols of attractiveness.

In conclusion, the most handsome Arab men are seen as a blend of physical features, grooming habits, fashion sense, fitness, and personality. They embody a mix of tradition and modernity, creating a unique appeal. Their presence in social media and mainstream media amplifies their visibility and influence. This combination makes them stand out, admired not just in the Arab world but globally.

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