The Most Popular Backroom's Level, Ranked

Choose the level you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:39
Backrooms enthusiasts often find themselves curious about which levels resonate most with their fellow explorers. A ranked list provides an organized, clear perspective on community preferences, helping users understand popular trends and common experiences. It also acts as a resource for new adventurers seeking guidance on which levels have captivated the interest of others. By participating in voting, users contribute to an evolving consensus that can guide and inform others. This communal effort not only enhances the resource's accuracy but also deepens the engagement within the Backrooms community. It’s an opportunity for each user to have a say in shaping a collective narrative about the most intriguing and favored levels.

What Is the Most Popular Backroom's Level?

  1. 1

    Level 0

    The starting level, resembling an endless office or retail space.
    • Visuals: Yellow, monotonous wallpaper and carpeted floors.
    • Hazards: Minimal, mainly psychological due to the vast, empty space.
  2. 2

    Level 4

    Resembles a library or archive, with endless rows of books and documents.
    • Visuals: Library-like, with endless shelves of books.
    • Hazards: Moderate, mainly psychological and the risk of getting lost.
  3. 3

    Level 9

    An abandoned city, with decaying buildings and a sense of desolation.
    • Visuals: Urban decay, with empty streets and buildings.
    • Hazards: High, due to structural hazards and entities.
  4. 4

    Level 6

    An infinite suburban neighborhood, with a constant feeling of being watched.
    • Visuals: Suburban homes and streets under a never-setting sun.
    • Hazards: Moderate, including psychological effects and entities.
  5. 5

    Level 8

    An endless cave system, dark and easy to get lost in.
    • Visuals: Cave-like, with narrow passages and stalactites.
    • Hazards: Extreme, including getting lost and entities.
  6. 6

    Level 1

    Darker and more industrial, with the sound of machinery and risk of getting lost.
    • Visuals: Dimly lit, with maintenance and industrial equipment.
    • Hazards: Higher, including getting lost and encountering entities.
  7. 7

    Level 2

    Even more dangerous, with increasing entity encounters and environmental hazards.
    • Visuals: Pipe-filled, with leaking ceilings and moldy walls.
    • Hazards: Significant, including toxic mold and aggressive entities.
  8. 8

    Level 3

    An electrical station filled with dangerous entities and high voltage equipment.
    • Visuals: Industrial, with lots of electrical equipment.
    • Hazards: High, due to electricity and entities.
  9. 9

    Level 5

    A vast, dark, and cold level with a constant low temperature.
    • Visuals: Dark and cold, with frost covering surfaces.
    • Hazards: High, due to the cold and potential for hypothermia.
  10. 10

    Level 7

    A flooded level, with waterlogged rooms and corridors.
    • Visuals: Water-filled, with floating debris and furniture.
    • Hazards: High, due to drowning risk and waterborne entities.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Backroom's level. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Level is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 123 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Level once every 24 hours. The rank of each Level is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Backroom's Level

The Backrooms is an internet urban legend. It is a maze of randomly generated rooms. The concept originated from a photo posted on the internet. The image showed an eerie, yellow-tinted room with empty hallways and worn-out carpets. This sparked the imagination of many. People began to create stories and lore around the idea.

The Backrooms is a place where reality seems to break. The rooms and corridors stretch endlessly. They loop and twist in ways that defy logic. The lighting is often dim and flickering. The walls are usually plain and featureless. The floors are covered with old, stained carpets. The air is thick with a musty smell. The atmosphere is unsettling and oppressive.

The Backrooms are not just empty spaces. They are filled with strange sounds. The hum of fluorescent lights is constant. Sometimes, there are distant, unidentifiable noises. These sounds add to the sense of unease. The silence, when it comes, is almost worse. It feels heavy and unnatural.

The Backrooms are inhabited by entities. These entities are often hostile. They lurk in the shadows and corners. They are rarely seen clearly. Their presence is felt more than seen. They add a layer of danger to the already eerie environment. People who find themselves in the Backrooms must be cautious. They must avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Survival in the Backrooms is difficult. Food and water are scarce. The maze-like structure makes navigation nearly impossible. People can easily get lost. The sameness of the rooms makes it hard to mark a path. The lack of natural light means there is no sense of time. Days and nights blend together.

The Backrooms have a strange effect on the mind. Prolonged exposure can lead to paranoia and hallucinations. The isolation and monotony wear down the psyche. People may start to question what is real. They might see things that are not there. The mind plays tricks in such an environment.

There are many theories about the origin of the Backrooms. Some believe it is a parallel dimension. Others think it is a glitch in reality. There are even those who see it as a form of purgatory. The true nature of the Backrooms remains a mystery. This uncertainty adds to its allure and fear.

The Backrooms have become a popular subject in internet culture. Many stories, games, and videos explore its concept. People are fascinated by the idea of an endless, eerie maze. They enjoy the mix of horror and mystery. The Backrooms tap into a primal fear of the unknown and the uncanny.

In summary, the Backrooms is a chilling concept. It is a place where reality bends and sanity is tested. The endless rooms, hostile entities, and oppressive atmosphere create a sense of dread. The mystery of its origin and nature adds to its eerie charm. It remains a popular and intriguing topic in internet lore.

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