The Most Popular Joe Rogan Podcast, Ranked

Choose the podcast you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:58
With Joe Rogan hosting a myriad of compelling discussions across various domains, including science, politics, and philosophy, listeners often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of episodes to choose from. Ranking these podcasts by popularity provides a useful guideline, helping new and veteran listeners alike identify episodes that have resonated most with the audience. This dynamic ranking is fueled by your votes, reflecting current trends and listener preferences. By participating, you not only ensure that your favorite episodes gain visibility, but you also aid fellow fans in discovering content that has proven engaging and insightful. Your input drives the list, shaping an informed community of listeners.

What Is the Most Popular Joe Rogan Podcast?

  1. 1

    Bernie Sanders #1330

    U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders discusses his platform, including healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality.
    • Date: August 6, 2019
    • Views: Over 15 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  2. 2

    Elon Musk #1169

    Elon Musk discusses various topics including potential of electric aircraft, his work with Tesla and SpaceX, and his views on artificial intelligence.
    • Date: September 7, 2018
    • Views: Over 24 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  3. 3

    Matthew McConaughey #1552

    Actor Matthew McConaughey discusses his book 'Greenlights', his philosophy on life, career, and his adventures in Hollywood.
    • Date: October 22, 2020
    • Views: Data not available due to exclusive Spotify streaming
  4. 4

    Alex Jones Returns! #1255

    Controversial figure Alex Jones returns to the podcast, discussing conspiracy theories, politics, and various current events.
    • Date: February 27, 2019
    • Views: Over 17 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  5. 5

    Edward Snowden #1368

    Whistleblower Edward Snowden talks about government surveillance, privacy, and how he risked everything to expose the U.S. government’s system of mass surveillance.
    • Date: October 23, 2019
    • Views: Over 16 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  6. 6

    Jordan Peterson #1139

    Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson discusses his book '12 Rules for Life', the psychology of belief, and the importance of personal responsibility.
    • Date: July 2, 2018
    • Views: Over 13 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  7. 7

    Neil deGrasse Tyson #919

    Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discusses various topics around science, including astrophysics, cosmology, and the importance of scientific literacy.
    • Date: February 21, 2017
    • Views: Over 12 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  8. 8

    Kanye West #1554

    Musician and fashion designer Kanye West discusses his creative process, his presidential run, and his views on culture and society.
    • Date: October 24, 2020
    • Views: Data not available due to exclusive Spotify streaming
  9. 9

    Jamie Foxx #990

    Actor and musician Jamie Foxx shares stories from his career in Hollywood, his approach to creativity, and his insights into the entertainment industry.
    • Date: May 24, 2017
    • Views: Over 11 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)
  10. 10

    Russell Brand #1021

    Comedian and actor Russell Brand discusses spirituality, addiction, and the importance of personal and societal transformation.
    • Date: August 3, 2017
    • Views: Over 10 million on YouTube (before moving exclusively to Spotify)

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Joe Rogan podcast. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or podcast is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each podcast once every 24 hours. The rank of each podcast is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Joe Rogan Podcast

Bernie Sanders #1330
Rank #1 for the most popular Joe Rogan podcast: Bernie Sanders #1330 (Source)
Joe Rogan is a well-known figure in the world of podcasts. His show, "The Joe Rogan Experience," has become one of the most popular podcasts. Rogan, who started his career as a comedian and actor, has built a massive following over the years. He uses his show to talk with a wide variety of guests. These guests range from scientists to celebrities, and even controversial figures. This mix of guests keeps the content fresh and engaging.

Each episode of the podcast is long, often lasting several hours. This format allows for deep conversations. Rogan and his guests cover many topics, including science, politics, health, and pop culture. The relaxed setting helps guests open up and share their thoughts freely. This approach has resonated with many listeners, who appreciate the in-depth discussions.

Rogan is known for his open-mindedness. He lets guests speak their minds, even if he disagrees with them. This has led to some heated debates, but also to enlightening moments. Rogan’s curiosity and willingness to explore different viewpoints make the show unique. He often asks questions that many people have, but are afraid to ask. This makes the podcast relatable and thought-provoking.

The podcast's success can be attributed to Rogan's interviewing style. He listens carefully and responds thoughtfully. He does not rush his guests, allowing the conversation to flow naturally. This creates a sense of intimacy and trust. Listeners feel like they are part of the conversation, which keeps them coming back for more.

Rogan also uses humor to keep the tone light. His background in comedy helps him inject wit into serious discussions. This balance of humor and seriousness makes the podcast enjoyable. Rogan’s personality shines through, making him a likable host. His genuine interest in his guests and their stories is evident, which adds to the appeal.

The podcast has also benefited from the rise of digital media. People can listen to episodes on various platforms, including YouTube and Spotify. This accessibility has helped the podcast reach a wider audience. The show’s presence on social media also plays a role in its popularity. Clips from episodes often go viral, attracting new listeners.

Rogan's podcast has had a significant impact on the podcasting world. It has set a high standard for long-form interviews. Many other podcasters have tried to emulate his style, but few have matched his success. The show has also influenced public discourse. Some episodes have sparked widespread debates and discussions.

Despite its success, the podcast has faced criticism. Some people argue that Rogan gives a platform to controversial figures. Others believe that he sometimes spreads misinformation. Rogan has addressed these concerns, stating that he values free speech and open dialogue. He encourages listeners to think critically and do their own research.

In conclusion, "The Joe Rogan Experience" stands out as a leading podcast. Its mix of diverse guests, in-depth conversations, and Rogan’s engaging style have made it a favorite among many. The show continues to grow in popularity, influencing both the podcasting industry and public conversations.

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