The Most Popular Keyboard Layout, Ranked

Choose the keyboard layout you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 15, 2024 06:42
Finding the right keyboard layout can significantly affect productivity and comfort, especially for those who type extensively. Different layouts cater to various typing habits, ergonomic needs, and language requirements. By determining the most popular keyboard layouts, users gain insights into what might work well for them, considering the experiences and preferences of a broader audience. This dynamic ranking gives you the opportunity to cast your vote and see how your preferences compare with those of others. Whether you're a proficient typist, a language enthusiast, or someone exploring various typing efficiencies, your input is crucial. Each vote helps adjust the rankings, providing a continually updated guide that reflects current user preferences.

What Is the Most Popular Keyboard Layout?

  1. 1


    The most widely used keyboard layout, originally designed for typewriters.
    • Origin: Developed by Christopher Sholes in the 1870s.
    • Purpose: To prevent jamming in typewriters by spacing out commonly used letter pairings.
  2. 2


    A keyboard layout designed for efficiency and speed.
    • Inventor: Dr. August Dvorak in the 1930s.
    • Purpose: To minimize finger movement and increase typing speed.
  3. 3


    A keyboard layout widely used in German-speaking countries.
    • Key Difference: The Y and Z keys are swapped compared to the QWERTY layout.
    • Usage: Primarily used in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
  4. 4


    A layout used mostly in French-speaking countries.
    • Key Difference: The Q and A keys are swapped, and the Z and W keys are swapped.
    • Usage: Predominantly used in France and Belgium.
  5. 5


    A modern alternative to the QWERTY layout designed for efficient typing.
    • Key Feature: Designed to keep the most common letters under the strongest fingers.
    • Adoption: Gaining popularity among touch typists for its efficiency.
  6. 6


    A keyboard layout used in Russia and other post-Soviet states.
    • Origin: Developed for Russian typewriters.
    • Key Feature: Arranged for the Cyrillic alphabet.
  7. 7


    A keyboard layout optimized for the German language.
    • Design Goal: To optimize typing in German, programming, and other languages.
    • Key Feature: Includes layers for different functions and supports multiple languages.
  8. 8


    A keyboard layout used in Italy, similar to QWERTY but with some variations.
    • Key Difference: The positions of the Z and W keys are swapped, and there are a few other changes.
    • Usage: Used primarily in Italy.
  9. 9


    A keyboard layout optimized for English typing.
    • Design Goal: To reduce finger movement and increase comfort and speed.
    • Key Feature: Focuses on the comfort of the typist, especially for those who type a lot.
  10. 10

    AZERTY (Belgian)

    A variation of the AZERTY layout used in Belgium.
    • Key Difference: Slight variations from the French AZERTY to suit Belgian usage.
    • Usage: Standard in Belgium.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular keyboard layout. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or layout is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 163 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each layout once every 24 hours. The rank of each layout is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Keyboard Layout

Rank #1 for the most popular keyboard layout: QWERTY (Source)
The most popular keyboard layout has a rich history. It emerged in the late 19th century. This layout aimed to solve issues with early typing machines. These machines had mechanical arms that jammed when users typed too fast. The layout was designed to prevent this by spacing out commonly used letters.

In the early days, typists faced many challenges. They needed a system that allowed for faster and more efficient typing. The new layout helped by placing frequently used keys in easy-to-reach spots. This made typing smoother and reduced errors.

The layout gained popularity quickly. It was soon adopted by many typists and became the standard. Over time, it spread to typewriters, computers, and other devices. Manufacturers began to produce machines with this layout, further cementing its place in the market.

The design of the layout took into account the frequency of letter usage. By analyzing common letter pairs, the creators placed keys in a way that minimized hand movement. This made typing less tiring and more ergonomic. Users could type longer without experiencing fatigue.

As technology advanced, the layout remained relevant. It adapted to new devices and continued to serve its purpose well. Even with the rise of digital keyboards, the layout stayed the same. This consistency helped users transition from one device to another without relearning how to type.

Many people learned to type using this layout. It became a staple in schools and workplaces. Typing courses taught students how to use it efficiently. As a result, generations of typists became proficient with this system.

Despite its age, the layout remains the most popular choice today. It is used worldwide by millions of people. Its design has stood the test of time, proving its effectiveness. The layout's widespread adoption speaks to its success and practicality.

Some argue that other layouts could be more efficient. However, the widespread use of the popular layout makes change difficult. People are accustomed to it, and switching would require significant effort. The familiarity and ease of use keep it dominant in the market.

The layout's influence extends beyond typing. It has shaped the way people interact with technology. From sending emails to coding, the layout plays a crucial role. Its impact is evident in many aspects of daily life.

In conclusion, the most popular keyboard layout has a long history. It solved early typing issues and became the standard. Its design focuses on efficiency and ease of use. Despite new technologies, it remains relevant and widely used. The layout has proven its worth and continues to be an essential tool for typists everywhere.

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