The Most Beautiful Plains in the World, Ranked

Choose the plains you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 06:15
The allure of sprawling plains, with their endless vistas and unique ecosystems, captivates many. These landscapes offer more than just beauty; they provide vital habitats for diverse species and play a significant role in the ecological balance. Recognizing and ranking these areas help highlight their significance and the urgent need to preserve such natural marvels. By participating in identifying and voting for the most beautiful plains, individuals contribute to a broader awareness of these natural treasures. This interaction not only fosters a connection with nature but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the environmental and aesthetic values these plains hold. Each vote helps to shape a collective opinion, shining a spotlight on the most cherished and stunning landscapes.

What Are the Most Beautiful Plains in the World?

  1. 1

    Canterbury Plains

    A large area of flat land on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, known for its agricultural productivity.
    • Location: New Zealand
    • Famous For: Agriculture
  2. 2

    Indo-Gangetic Plain

    A large and fertile plain encompassing most of northern and eastern India, the most populous parts of Pakistan, and Bangladesh.
    • Location: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
    • Famous For: Fertility and population
  3. 3

    Masai Mara

    A large game reserve in Narok, Kenya, contiguous with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, known for its exceptional populations of lions, cheetahs, and elephants.
    • Location: Kenya
    • Famous For: Diverse wildlife
  4. 4


    The fertile South American lowlands, covering more than 750,000 km², that include the Argentine provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, and Córdoba.
    • Location: Argentina
    • Famous For: Fertile soil
  5. 5

    Hungarian Plain

    A vast flat area in southeastern Europe, divided between Hungary, Romania, Serbia, and Croatia, known for its agricultural significance.
    • Location: Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia
    • Famous For: Agriculture
  6. 6

    Great Plains

    A broad expanse of flat land, much of it covered in prairie, steppe, and grassland, located in the United States and Canada.
    • Location: United States, Canada
    • Famous For: Prairies and grasslands
  7. 7

    Nullarbor Plain

    Part of the area of flat, almost treeless, arid or semi-arid country of southern Australia, known for the longest straight stretch of railway track in the world.
    • Location: Australia
    • Famous For: Longest straight railway track
  8. 8

    Okanagan Valley

    A region in the Canadian province of British Columbia, known for its sunny climate, dry landscapes, and lakeside vineyards.
    • Location: Canada
    • Famous For: Vineyards and lakes
  9. 9

    Loess Plateau

    A highland area in China, known for its fertile soil, which is attributed to the wind-blown silt it's composed of, making it one of the most important agricultural regions in China.
    • Location: China
    • Famous For: Fertile soil
  10. 10

    Serengeti Plain

    A vast ecosystem in east-central Africa, spanning northern Tanzania and extending to southwestern Kenya, known for its rich wildlife and the annual migration of millions of animals.
    • Location: Tanzania, Kenya
    • Famous For: Annual wildlife migration

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful plains in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Plain is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Plain once every 24 hours. The rank of each Plain is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Plains in the World

Canterbury Plains
Rank #1 for the most beautiful plains in the world: Canterbury Plains (Source)
Plains are vast, flat lands that stretch across the globe. They are often formed by the slow movement of rivers and glaciers over thousands of years. These flat lands can be found on every continent, offering breathtaking views and diverse ecosystems.

Plains support various forms of life. The rich soil found in many plains makes them ideal for agriculture. Farmers grow crops like wheat, corn, and rice, which feed millions of people. The flat terrain also makes it easy to use machines for farming, boosting productivity.

Wildlife thrives on plains. Many animals call these areas home. Herds of grazing animals roam the grasslands, feeding on the abundant vegetation. Predators follow these herds, creating a balanced ecosystem. Birds also find refuge in the wide-open spaces, nesting in the tall grasses and feeding on insects.

Plains have a unique beauty. The horizon seems endless, creating a sense of vastness and freedom. Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, with colors spreading across the sky. The open landscape allows for unobstructed views of the stars at night, making it a perfect spot for stargazing.

People have lived on plains for thousands of years. Early humans settled here because of the fertile soil and abundant resources. Today, many cities and towns are built on plains, benefiting from the flat land for construction and transportation.

Plains also hold cultural significance. Many indigenous peoples have deep connections to these lands. They have traditions and stories passed down through generations, tied to the landscape and its features. These cultural ties add another layer of beauty to the plains.

The climate on plains can vary. Some plains experience extreme temperatures, while others have mild weather. Rainfall can also differ, with some areas receiving plenty of rain and others being quite dry. These variations create diverse habitats, each with its own unique flora and fauna.

Plains play a vital role in the environment. They act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This helps in the fight against climate change. The vegetation on plains also prevents soil erosion, protecting the land from degradation.

Tourists visit plains to experience their beauty and tranquility. Activities like hiking, bird watching, and photography are popular. The vast open spaces offer a sense of peace and connection to nature. Many protected areas and national parks preserve these natural wonders for future generations.

In conclusion, plains are beautiful, diverse, and essential parts of our world. They support life, provide resources, and offer stunning landscapes. Whether you are a farmer, a wildlife enthusiast, or a traveler, the plains have something to offer. Their beauty and importance make them a treasure worth preserving.

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