The Most Popular Family Names, Ranked

Choose the family names you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 3, 2024 06:16
Determining the popularity of family names can offer a fascinating glimpse into cultural trends and demographic shifts over time. Such rankings not only reveal the diverse origins and historical influences but also help in understanding how migrations and societal changes have shaped our communities. It provides a unique perspective on identity and heritage, piecing together the story of human movement and interaction. On this site, your votes contribute to an ongoing tally of the most admired family names. By participating, you are helping to create a dynamic snapshot of current preferences and popularities. This not only assists others in identifying prevalent trends but also enriches the collective knowledge about the cultural significance behind names. Your involvement makes this list a valuable resource for researchers, enthusiasts, and anyone curious about the names that connect us.

What Are the Most Popular Family Names?

  1. 2


    Most common surname in Korea
    • Country: Korea
  2. 3


    Most common surname in China
    • Country: China
  3. 4


    Frequent Chinese surname, means 'willow'
    • Country: China
  4. 5


    Widespread Chinese surname, means 'dawn'
    • Country: China
  5. 7


    Most common surname in Spain and several Latin American countries
    • Country: Spain, Latin America
  6. 8


    Popular Chinese surname, meaning 'king'
    • Country: China
  7. 9


    Common Chinese surname, means 'archer'
    • Country: China
  8. 10


    One of the most common surnames in Russia
    • Country: Russia

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular family names. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Surname is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 65 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Surname once every 24 hours. The rank of each Surname is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Family Names

Rank #1 for the most popular family names: Smith (Source)
Family names, also known as surnames, have deep roots in history. These names often tell stories about our ancestors. They can reveal occupations, locations, or even personal traits. The origins of family names differ across cultures, but many share common themes.

In many cultures, surnames began as a way to identify people. With growing populations, first names alone were not enough. Adding a second name helped distinguish between individuals. This practice became more formal over time.

Occupational surnames are common. These names often reflect the job a person or their ancestor did. For example, someone might have a surname that means "baker" or "smith." Such names gave a clear idea of what the person did for a living.

Location-based surnames are also widespread. These names often point to where a person or their family came from. It could be a town, a region, or a notable landmark. This type of surname helped identify people who moved to new areas.

Some surnames describe physical traits or personality. These could highlight a person's size, hair color, or other features. Sometimes, they might describe a personal quality, like being brave or kind.

Family names can also come from the father's name. This practice, known as patronymic naming, involves adding a prefix or suffix to the father's first name. In some cultures, this system is still in use today.

Over time, surnames have evolved. Spelling changes, migrations, and cultural shifts have all played a role. Despite these changes, many family names still carry their original meanings.

In some regions, laws and customs have influenced the use of surnames. For example, certain areas required people to adopt surnames for tax purposes. In other places, surnames became a sign of social status.

Genealogy has sparked interest in family names. People want to know where they come from and what their names mean. This quest for knowledge often leads to surprising discoveries.

Today, family names continue to connect us to our past. They serve as a link to our heritage and traditions. They remind us of the journeys our ancestors took and the lives they led.

In conclusion, family names are more than just labels. They are rich with history and meaning. They offer insights into our origins and help us understand our place in the world.

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