The Most Popular JRPG, Ranked

Choose the JRPG you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 8, 2024 07:00
For many, selecting the next JRPG to dive into can be a daunting task given the sheer number of games available. Having a place where players can quickly view the top-rated games as voted by their peers greatly simplifies this process. This site allows fans to cast their votes, ensuring that each game's ranking reflects the collective preferences of an engaged community. Through this dynamic voting system, newcomers to the genre can easily find recommendations that are crowd-approved, while longtime fans can discover where their own favorites stand and contribute to the community consensus. The live rankings continuously evolve based on user participation, providing an up-to-date snapshot of which JRPGs are currently capturing the hearts of players.

What Is the Most Popular JRPG?

  1. 1

    Chrono Trigger

    Known for its innovative gameplay and time travel narrative, Chrono Trigger has been highly influential in the JRPG genre.
    • Release Year: 1995
    • Platform: SNES
  2. 2

    Dragon Quest XI

    The latest installment in the long-running Dragon Quest series, offering classic JRPG gameplay with modern graphics and storytelling.
    • Release Year: 2017
    • Platform: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
  3. 3

    Fire Emblem: Three Houses

    Combines deep tactical gameplay with an expansive story and character development, offering a fresh take on the strategy RPG subgenre.
    • Release Year: 2019
    • Platform: Nintendo Switch
  4. 4

    Xenoblade Chronicles

    Offers an expansive world to explore and a unique combat system, making it a standout title in the JRPG genre.
    • Release Year: 2010
    • Platform: Wii
  5. 6

    Final Fantasy VII

    A landmark title that elevated the JRPG genre to new heights with its deep storytelling, memorable characters, and groundbreaking graphics.
    • Release Year: 1997
    • Platform: PlayStation
  6. 7

    Tales of Symphonia

    Renowned for its engaging story, likable characters, and real-time battle system, Tales of Symphonia is a highlight of the Tales series.
    • Release Year: 2003
    • Platform: GameCube
  7. 8

    Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

    This game is celebrated for its Studio Ghibli-animated cutscenes, engaging story, and innovative gameplay mechanics.
    • Release Year: 2011
    • Platform: PlayStation 3
  8. 9

    Final Fantasy X

    A beloved entry in the Final Fantasy series known for its emotional storytelling and innovative battle system.
    • Release Year: 2001
    • Platform: PlayStation 2
  9. 10

    Persona 5

    Combining traditional JRPG elements with life simulation aspects, Persona 5 offers a unique and immersive experience.
    • Release Year: 2016
    • Platform: PlayStation 4

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular JRPG. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or JRPG is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 14 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each JRPG once every 24 hours. The rank of each JRPG is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular JRPG

Chrono Trigger
Rank #1 for the most popular JRPG: Chrono Trigger (Source)
Japanese Role-Playing Games, or JRPGs, have a rich history. They emerged in the 1980s and have since become a staple in the gaming world. These games often feature intricate stories, character development, and turn-based combat systems. They stand out due to their unique blend of fantasy and science fiction elements.

JRPGs often begin with a young hero. This hero usually comes from a small village or humble beginnings. They embark on a journey to save the world. Along the way, they meet allies who join their quest. These allies each have their own backstories and skills. Together, they face various challenges and enemies.

The combat in JRPGs is usually turn-based. Players take turns choosing actions for their characters. These actions include attacking, using items, or casting spells. Strategy plays a key role. Players must think ahead and plan their moves carefully.

Storytelling is a major focus in JRPGs. The plots often involve themes of friendship, betrayal, and redemption. Characters grow and change as the story progresses. Players become invested in their journeys and outcomes. The narrative depth sets JRPGs apart from other game genres.

JRPGs also feature detailed worlds. These worlds are often vast and filled with lore. Players explore towns, forests, mountains, and dungeons. Each location has its own unique atmosphere and challenges. The world-building adds to the immersive experience.

Music is another important aspect. JRPGs often have memorable soundtracks. These soundtracks enhance the emotional impact of the story. Composers create themes for characters, locations, and events. The music helps to draw players deeper into the game world.

Character customization is common in JRPGs. Players can often choose their party members' equipment and abilities. This allows for a personalized experience. Some games also offer multiple endings. The choices players make can affect the outcome of the story.

JRPGs have evolved over the years. Early games had simple graphics and limited technology. Modern JRPGs boast stunning visuals and complex mechanics. Despite these changes, the core elements remain the same. The focus on story, character, and strategy continues to define the genre.

The appeal of JRPGs spans generations. Older fans appreciate the nostalgia of classic titles. Newer players enjoy the advancements in technology and design. The genre continues to grow and adapt, attracting a diverse audience.

JRPGs have also influenced other game genres. Their emphasis on story and character has inspired many Western RPGs. Elements like turn-based combat and party systems are now common in various games. The impact of JRPGs on the gaming industry is undeniable.

In conclusion, JRPGs offer a unique and engaging experience. Their blend of story, character, and strategy creates a compelling package. The genre's rich history and ongoing evolution ensure its place in the gaming world. Fans of all ages continue to enjoy the adventures these games offer.

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