The Most Popular Last Name in France, Ranked

Choose the last name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 07:00
Identifying the most popular last names in a country like France can provide unique insights into historical immigration patterns, cultural influences, and social trends that have shaped the nation over centuries. By ranking these names, we can also see which names have remained common through generations, offering a window into the past and a reflection of the present demographic landscape. This website allows you to contribute to the ongoing tally of France's most favored last names by casting your vote. Your participation is crucial, as it helps ensure the accuracy and currency of our rankings, making this a reliable resource for anyone interested in the sociology and history of French names. Join others in shaping a current and comprehensive list that continually updates to reflect new data and trends.

What Is the Most Popular Last Name in France?

  1. 1


    Martin is the most common surname in France, with historical origins that are both occupational and locational, referring to someone who worked for or lived near a person named Martin.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Of Mars, warlike
  2. 2


    Bernard is a historically significant surname in France, originally denoting someone who was bold as a bear, from the Germanic elements 'bern' meaning bear and 'hard' meaning brave or hardy.
    • Origin: Germanic
    • Meaning: Bold as a bear
  3. 3


    Dubois is a common French surname, meaning 'of the wood' or 'from the woods', indicating a locational origin for families living near a forest.
    • Origin: French
    • Meaning: Of the wood
  4. 4


    Robert is a common surname in France, with Germanic origins meaning 'bright fame', reflecting the characteristics of renown or fame.
    • Origin: Germanic
    • Meaning: Bright fame
  5. 5


    Thomas is a widely used surname in France, derived from the biblical name meaning 'twin'. It was originally given as a first name but became a popular surname over time.
    • Origin: Aramaic
    • Meaning: Twin
  6. 6


    Moreau is a common surname in France, meaning 'dark-skinned', often given to someone with a darker complexion, possibly of Moorish descent.
    • Origin: French
    • Meaning: Dark-skinned
  7. 7


    Durand is a French surname derived from the Latin 'Durantus', meaning enduring or steadfast, often given to someone who was steadfast in their beliefs or actions.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Enduring, steadfast
  8. 8


    Richard is a surname of Old French origin, meaning 'strong in rule', from the Germanic elements 'ric' meaning ruler and 'hard' meaning hardy or brave.
    • Origin: Germanic
    • Meaning: Strong in rule
  9. 9


    Petit is a French surname meaning 'small' or 'little', often originally given as a nickname to someone of slight build or stature.
    • Origin: French
    • Meaning: Small, little
  10. 10


    Leroy is a surname of French origin meaning 'the king', originally used as a nickname for someone who behaved in a regal manner or had connections with the royal family.
    • Origin: French
    • Meaning: The king

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular last name in France. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or surname is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 206 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each surname once every 24 hours. The rank of each surname is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Last Name in France

Rank #1 for the most popular last name in France: Martin (Source)
In France, last names carry rich histories and cultural significance. The most popular last name in France reflects this deep heritage. It is common and widespread, found in many regions and among diverse communities.

This last name has origins in the medieval period. It often derived from occupations, locations, or personal characteristics. In rural areas, names often came from the landscape, such as fields or forests. In towns, last names frequently linked to trades or professions. This naming practice helped identify individuals in growing populations.

The spread of this last name across France happened over centuries. Migration played a key role. People moved from rural areas to cities, bringing their names with them. Wars and political changes also influenced the distribution of surnames. Families often relocated for safety or economic opportunities, further spreading their names.

In modern times, this last name remains common. It appears in various forms, sometimes with slight regional variations. Despite these differences, the core name stays recognizable. It serves as a connection to the past and a marker of identity.

The popularity of this last name shows in many areas. It is present in government records, phone books, and school rosters. Famous individuals, from artists to politicians, bear this name. It often appears in literature and media, reflecting its deep roots in French culture.

Census data confirms the widespread use of this last name. It consistently ranks high in surveys and studies. This data helps understand social patterns and migration trends. It also highlights the enduring nature of traditional names in France.

The most popular last name in France is more than just a label. It is a piece of history, a link to ancestors, and a part of daily life. It represents the blending of old and new, rural and urban, local and national identities. This name continues to thrive, adapting to modern times while honoring its origins.

Understanding the significance of this last name offers insight into French culture. It shows how names evolve and spread, reflecting broader social changes. It also highlights the importance of family and heritage in French society.

In conclusion, the most popular last name in France is a testament to the country's rich history and cultural diversity. It connects the past with the present and remains a vital part of French identity.

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